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Todo lo que necesitas para una Carrera Corta en Informática 

PC Gaming, Consololas de Juego, Celulares, Smartphones, Redes, Pantallas, Televisores LED, Ciberseguridad y más...
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¿Quieres estudiar lo que te apasiona? ¿No encuentras lo que estas buscando y lo que te ofrecen es algo que no quieres? Descubre el programa de Computer and Network Specialist, el programa que más estudiantes se han certificado por los profesionales de la insdustria en Informática autorizado por la Junta de Instituciones Postsecundarias. Nuestro programa incluye las destrezas y conocimientos más actualizados y colocarte a la vanguardia en tecnología.

  • Aprenderás ensamblaje, diagnóstico y mantenimiento de componentes tecnológicos (PC Gaming y Consolas).

  • Aprenderás destrezas en ciberseguridad

  • Reparación y dianóstico de celulares, smartphones, y televisores LED

  • Obten las certificaciones más conocidas por los empleadores (CompTIA A+ y Network+)

David Cortés

"La experiencia a través de Password Technical College fue muy buena y me dio la oportunidad de aprender a mi ritmo. Tambien la experiencia con el instructor fue excelente"


Eddie Ruiz

"Buena la conveniencia de poder regresar a los videos y el contenido en mi tiempo es sumamente importante. el instructor es atento y dinámico"

Daryel A. Márquez Cruz

"Mi experiencia con mi certificación a través de Password Technical College provee todo lo que necesitaba para poder pasar (el examen)".

Carmen Asencio

"La experiencia fue excelente.  La relación con el Instructor fue muy buena, siempre estuvo disponible y respondió rápido cuando lo necestité"
¡Invierte en tu futuro con opciones de pago flexibles!

Por tiempo limitado recibe un DESCUENTO de $1,000.00 para los primeros estudiantes que se matriculen en los programas en linea!

“Quiero agradecer al, gran equipo de Password Technical College por brindar el gran curso de CompTIA IT Fundamental, de comienzo a fin, fue un proceso placentero especialmente la interacción con el instructor, siempre fue buen comunicador, experto en el material y siempre disponible, atrévanse a mejorar sus carrera tomando un curso con Password Technical College”

Eriberto González

CompTIA ITF+ Certified

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Our Students Get Certified

Estudia en línea 

Participa en sesiones en vivo los lunes y miércoles de 7:30 p.m. a 9:30 p.m., diseñadas para adaptarse a tu rutina. Disfruta de acceso exclusivo a:

  • Presentaciones dinámicas y actualizadas.

  • Grabaciones de todas las clases para repasar cuando quieras.

  • Exámenes de práctica que te preparan para el éxito.

  • Laboratorios interactivos en nuestra plataforma educativa en línea.

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¡Experimenta la Tecnología en Acción con Sesiones Presenciales Exclusivas!

Asiste solo dos sábados al mes, y lleva tus habilidades al siguiente nivel , en la ubicación más conveniente para ti. Estamos presentes en diferentes puntos de la isla, facilitando tu acceso a una formación práctica.


  • Trabaja con equipos reales para realizar diagnósticos, ensamblajes y laboratorios prácticos.


  • Pon a prueba tus conocimientos en un entorno que simula desafíos del mundo laboral.


  • Vive una experiencia práctica que complementa tu aprendizaje en línea y te prepara para destacar como profesional.


¡Elige la ubicación que más te convenga y comienza tu camino hacia el éxito en tecnología! Reserva tu lugar ahora.!

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Todo lo Que Necesitas para Triunfar en Tecnología, Incluido en Tu Programa


Al inscribirte en nuestro programa "Computer and Network Specialist", recibirás todas las herramientas y recursos esenciales para tu formación. Queremos asegurarnos de que tengas todo lo necesario para aprender, practicar y destacarte como un profesional. Esto es lo que está incluido:


Herramientas y Materiales de Estudio


  • Kits de herramientas para ensamblaje y reparación de computadoras.

  • Acceso a software de diagnóstico profesional para aprender a identificar y solucionar problemas de hardware y redes.

  • Manuales técnicos y guías de referencia actualizados para un aprendizaje efectivo.


Acceso Completo a la Plataforma Educativa


  • Clases grabadas para revisar a tu propio ritmo.

  • Presentaciones interactivas diseñadas por expertos en tecnología.

  • Simuladores de exámenes de certificación para que practiques y te prepares con confianza.

  • Laboratorios virtuales y tareas interactivas, accesibles desde cualquier dispositivo.


Sesiones Presenciales Prácticas


Participa en dos sesiones mensuales presenciales en diferentes ubicaciones de la isla, donde trabajarás con equipos reales para realizar diagnósticos, ensamblajes y reparaciones.


Soporte Académico y Técnico​​


  • Asesoramiento continuo de instructores especializados.

  • Tutores y sesiones de mentoría para resolver dudas y guiarte en tu proceso de aprendizaje.

  • Acceso a foros de discusión y grupos de estudio en línea con otros estudiantes.


Certificación de Alto Valor


Al finalizar el programa, estarás preparado para obtener certificaciones reconocidas en la industria que aumentarán tus oportunidades laborales en el sector de TI.


Todo esto está incluido en el programa para que te enfoques en lo más importante: tu aprendizaje y tu éxito profesional. ¡Inscríbete hoy y accede a un futuro lleno de oportunidades en tecnología!

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¡Invierte en tu futuro con opciones de pago flexibles!

Por tiempo limitado recibe un descuento de $1,000.00 para los primeros estudiantes que se matriculen en los programas en línea!

1. Pago Completo con Descuento


 Aprovecha un 10% de descuento si decides hacer el pago completo al momento de la inscripción. Con esta opción, podrás ahorrar significativamente en el costo total. ¡Maximiza tu inversión y comienza tu camino hacia el éxito desde el primer día!


$8,100.00 - $1,000.00 = $7,100.00 â€‹

$7,100.00 - 10% + = $6,390.00


Política de reembolso

2. Pagos Mensuales sin Intereses

Dividimos el costo total de tu programa en 24 pagos mensuales sin intereses, facilitándote el acceso a una educación de calidad sin cargas financieras adicionales.


Un pago mensual de $295.00 por 24 meses sin intereses!​


3. Planes con Financiamiento a Largo Plazo 


Si prefieres pagos más pequeños a lo largo del tiempo, ofrecemos financiamiento hasta por 40 meses (no aplica descuento) Esto te permitirá hacer pagos mensuales adaptando la inversión a tu presupuesto mensual.


Un pago mensual de $199.00 por 40 meses sin intereses 

Distance Education Description Summary

Delivery System


Our distance education programs are delivered in synchronous and asynchronous learning technologies. Synchronous learning occurs when the instructor and the students are both learning at the same time, allowing for real-time engagement. It can happen both online and offline. Depending on the learning objectives, PTC may utilize synchronous applications including, Gotomeeting®, Google Meet®, and/or Zoom®. Asynchronous learning occurs when the instructor and the students are not both learning at the same time. The content is developed and made available for consumption later; there is no real-time engagement. PTC will utilize a Learning Management System (LMS) to provide asynchronous activities. The LMS includes:


  • Electronic presentations converted into videos

  • Microsoft PowerPoint or Prezi presentations converted and uploaded to the LMS

  • Content Lessons

  • Distribution of lessons in a weekly basis that may include text, diagrams, and/or pictures

  • Forums (LMS)

  • Guided assignments (LMS)

  • Questions, virtual labs and /or projects

  • Closing Course activity

  • Email communication system




To be successful in our online programs’ students will be required to:



Success in online learning requires the ability to be self-directed and independent in your learning while also managing your time wisely.


To be successful, you will need self-discipline and motivation to log in to the course on a regular basis, keep track of deadlines, and finish your course work on time.


Have you given yourself enough time to prepare? Consider the following: Regarding both in-person and online classes, the general rule for class time and assignments is the same. For every hour of class time, you should plan on spending at least another 2-3 hours. As a result, you should budget at least 6-9 hours per week to complete readings, assignments, and participate in class discussion in a 3-credit hour course.


Make a quiet study environment for yourself where you may read course materials, complete class tasks, and participate in class discussions. You should use this time to study course content, perform a learning exercise, participate in class discussions, or submit an evaluation by logging on to your course site.


If you require assistance, do not hesitate to ask!

Be willing to seek assistance from your educator.

Seek help from classmates or coworkers.


The PTC Student Experience office can assist you with technological issues.

Get in touch with PTC’s student services and resources and set reminders to log in on a regular basis. Setting up a daily plan, noting critical due dates for learning tasks and assessments, and setting off time to read course content and complete course obligations are all important.


Expected learning outcomes


Student Learning Outcomes for Computer and Networking Specialist Program


Students who successfully complete this program will be able to:


Computer Hardware

  1. Given a scenario, configure settings and use BIOS/UEFI tools on a PC.

  2. Explain the importance of motherboard components, their purpose and properties.

  3. Compare various RAM types and their features.

  4. Install and configure PC expansion cards.

  5. Install and configure storage devices and use appropriate media.

  6. Install various types of CPUs and apply the appropriate cooling methods.
    Compare various PC connection interfaces, their characteristics and purpose.

  7. Install a power supply based on given specifications.

  8. Given a scenario, select the appropriate components for a custom

  9. PC configuration to meet customer specifications or needs.

  10. Compare types of display devices and their features.

  11. Identify common PC connector types and associated cables.

  12. Install and configure common peripheral devices.

  13. Install SOHO multifunction device/printers and configure appropriate settings.

  14. Compare differences between the various print technologies and the associated imaging process.

  15. Given a scenario, perform appropriate printer maintenance.




  1. Identify the various types of network cables and connectors.

  2. Compare the characteristics of connectors and cabling.

  3. Explain the properties and characteristics of TCP/IP.

  4. Explain common TCP and UDP ports, protocols, and their purpose.

  5. Compare various Wi-Fi networking standards and encryption types.

  6. Given a scenario, install and configure SOHO wireless/wired router and apply appropriate settings.

  7. Compare Internet connection types, network types and their features.

  8. Compare network architecture devices, their functions, and features.

  9. Given a scenario, use appropriate networking tools.


Mobile Devices


  1. Install and configure laptop hardware and components.

  2. Explain the function of components within the display of a laptop.

  3. Given a scenario, use appropriate laptop features.

  4. Explain the characteristics of various types of other mobile devices.

  5. Compare accessories and ports of other mobile devices


Hardware and Network Troubleshooting


  1. Given a scenario, troubleshoot common problems related to motherboards, RAM, CPU, and power with appropriate tools.

  2. Given a scenario, troubleshoot hard drives and RAID arrays with appropriate tools.

  3. Given a scenario, troubleshoot common video, projector, and display issues.

  4. Given a scenario, troubleshoot wired and wireless networks with appropriate tools.

  5. Given a scenario, troubleshoot and repair common mobile device issues while adhering to the appropriate procedures.

  6. Given a scenario, troubleshoot printers with appropriate tools.


Windows Operating Systems

  1. Compare various features and requirements of Microsoft Operating Systems (Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1).

  2. Given a scenario, install Windows PC operating systems using appropriate methods.

  3. Given a scenario, apply appropriate Microsoft command line tools.

  4. Given a scenario, use appropriate Microsoft operating system features and tools.

  5. Given a scenario, use Windows Control Panel utilities.

  6. Given a scenario, install and configure Windows networking on a client/desktop.

  7. Perform common preventive maintenance procedures using the appropriate Windows OS tools.


Other Operatives Systems technologies


  1. Identify common features and functionality of the Mac OS and Linux operating systems.

  2. Given a scenario, set up and use client-side virtualization.

  3. Identify basic cloud concepts.

  4. Summarize the properties and purpose of services provided by networked hosts.

  5. Identify basic features of mobile operating systems.

  6. Install and configure basic mobile device network connectivity and email.

  7. Summarize methods and data related to mobile device synchronization.




  1. Identify common security threats and vulnerabilities.

  2. Compare common prevention methods.

  3. Compare differences of basic Windows OS security settings.

  4. Given a scenario, deploy and enforce security best practices to secure a workstation.

  5. Compare various methods for securing mobile devices.

  6. Given a scenario, use appropriate data destruction and disposal methods.

  7. Given a scenario, secure SOHO wireless, and wired networks.


Software Troubleshooting


  1. Given a scenario, troubleshoot PC operating system problems with appropriate tools.

  2. Given a scenario, troubleshoot common PC security issues with appropriate tools and best practices.

  3. Given a scenario, troubleshoot common mobile OS and application issues with appropriate tools.

  4. Given a scenario, troubleshoot common mobile OS and application security issues with appropriate tools.


Operational Procedures


  1. Given a scenario, use appropriate safety procedures.

  2. Given a scenario with potential environmental impacts, apply the appropriate controls.

  3. Summarize the process of addressing prohibited content/activity, and explain privacy, licensing, and policy concepts.

  4. Demonstrate proper communication techniques and professionalism.
    Given a scenario, explain the troubleshooting theory.


Student Learning Outcomes for IT Security: Professional White Hat Hacker Program


Students who successfully complete this program will be able to:


1. Understand the fundamental goals, benefits, challenges, and available countermeasures for network defense.


2. Analyze cryptography algorithms and design implementation strategies for privacy and security of information.


3. Understand the role of the Intrusion Detection and Prevention System in defending the networks.


4. Understand Linux and Windows security concerns and hardening techniques such as password management, security baseline configurations, etc.


5. Identify risks associated with IoT and mobile devices and select appropriate countermeasures including policies, guidelines, and tools.


6. Implement application whitelisting and blacklisting, sandboxing, patch management, and web application firewall, encryption techniques, and secure design strategies for data loss prevention.




 1. Assess ethical and legal requirements of security assessment and penetration testing and determine a strategy to comply with these requirements.


2. Analyze different phases of hacking and recommend the strategy to use ethical hacking for assessing the security of various components of the information system.


3. Compare and contrast different hacking techniques and analyze the legal implications of hacking.


4. Examine different vulnerabilities, threats, and attacks to information systems and recommend countermeasures.


5. Analyze cryptography algorithms and encryption techniques, and design implementation strategies for securing information.


6. Compare and contrast various network security assessments and hacking tools.


7. Assess various network security techniques and tools and implement an appropriate level of information security controls based on evidence, information, and research.


Student Learning Outcomes for Digital Marketing Program


Students who successfully complete this program will be able to:


1. Students will be able to define marketing and digital marketing and identify trends in the digital marketing industry.


2. Students will understand the role and importance of content creation and distribution in digital marketing. Students will be able to explain the three types of digital content: paid, owned, and earned.


3. Students will understand the data and measures as it refers to digital marketing. Students will explore data measurement, analysis, and key performance indicators used by digital marketers.


4. Students will understand that online advertising and digital marketing rapidly become the main market form for businesses. Students will understand current forms of online advertising. Students will learn how digital marketing works with the promotion part of the marketing


5. Students will understand the uses of social media platforms in marketing and how it is integrated with digital marketing and traditional offline marketing.


6.  Students will understand the basic elements of the app economics, both the device application and the web-based application.


7. Students will understand the careers available in the digital marketing industry.


Graduation Requirements


Any student who understands that is about to complete the academic requirements of their online program of study should visit the Office of Student Services before his last term and apply for a Diploma or Certificate of Graduation. The Office of Student Services will evaluate the student's transcript to verify that, indeed, all requirements except those that are scheduled for the last term are satisfied.
Graduate students are those that met the following criteria:

1. Completed all required courses in their curriculum.
2. Paid off all debts to the institution.
3. Had a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of not less than 2.00


Student Services


Password Technical College can provide support to students on the online programs in real-time and/or passive methods of communications. The following are the tools PTC use to support online students:


Real-time support:


  1. Telephone

  2. Instant messaging

  3. Web conferencing

  4. Virtual meeting rooms

  5. Online chats


Passive support:


  1. Online forms

  2. Email

  3. Forums and discussions boards

  4. Social media


The services provided:


  1. Financial Aid

  2. Academic Advising

  3. Academic support

  4. Technical Support

  5. Library

  6. Military Services

  7. Personal Support

  8. Internship, apprenticeships

  9. Career Services

  10. Alumni Support


Technology and equipment requirements


Hardware and peripheral devices:

  • Computer with a 1 GHz processor or higher speed

  • 2GB RAM or higher

  • Hard disk of 80 GB or greater capacity

  • High-speed Internet connection and service (DSL, Cable)

  • Video card with a minimum resolution of 1024x768

  • USB ports

  • Sound card and speakers

  • Microphone (built-in or peripheral)

  • Webcam (integrated or peripheral)


Programmed (Software) and applications:

  • Operating system (Windows 7 or higher) or (Mac OS 10.6 or higher)

  • Microsoft® Office 2007, 2010, 365 or newer version or Google Docs

  • Microsoft PowerPoint or scheduled presentations or Google Presentations

  • Microsoft Excel or computer programming or Google Sheets

  • Acrobat® Reader 9.0 or newer version or any PDF application (i.e., Foxit Reader, etc.)

  • Acrobat® Flash plug-in 10.0 or newer version

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